Can we assume for this dive into deep, heavy, stuff that love is the most potent force in our world? And if this is true, then hate must be the second most powerful force. Hate could even be equal to love in power, but it can’t be greater, or we still wouldn’t be here.
If love is good and hate is evil, we live in the continuing
struggle between good and evil, which has existed since the beginning of time.
This is true no matter your spiritual or non-spiritual beliefs. A society, culture, country, whatever,
provides the best environment when the amount of love is greater than the
amount of hate, or when evil is held to a minimum. And the greater the love and the lesser the
evil, the better it is for all people. If this sounds much too obvious and
basically fundamental, consider what is happening in our present culture.
There are people promoting hate all around us. Step one, is
to divide us into groups by skin color, social class, political party, religion,
masking, vaccines, or whatever they can. Step two, is to try to get us to hate
the people in the other groups. By doing this, they are able to gain power over
us and exploit people for their own benefit. They essentially gain power and
influence by promoting more hate.
Now at this point, you may be thinking: That’s right!
That’s what those people –
the people in the other groups that are not ours - are doing. Except that “those people”
are reading this also and thinking the same thing about you.
It is so easy to get pushed into your “identity” group when
people hurl hateful statements and accusations your way. However, once you
identify with a group, it is natural to begin hating people that you perceive
hate you. And that’s how the hate multiplies, and that’s how the hatemongers
seize power over you. And as the amount of hate surges in our culture, life gets
tougher, doesn’t it?
“But those people over there, look at what they are
doing. Hear the awful things they are saying.” And again, they may be saying
the same thing about you. You can’t control what others are doing. You are only
responsible for yourself. In this caustic environment, we need this
introspection often.
But hate is dangerous - because evil begets more evil. And
the natural tendency is to hate your enemies. Taken to the extreme, you will
want to kill all your enemies to achieve what you believe is good.
If you are doing anything that increases the amount of hate
- if you cause other people to hate each
other, you are not part of the problem:
It becomes harder to resist joining the haters every day. Evil people are at work generating enemies for you. Recently, a commentary argued that hating groups of Americans was fine since people have always hated others. He must really enjoy hating people. He knows it's wrong, and yet he attempts to justify his
hatred. But is “there’s always been hate and haters” an acceptable standard? If not, what is the standard?
Of course, THE MAN had something to say about this
persistent, destructive human condition:
You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall
love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’
But I say to you, Love your enemies ….
If you think this is difficult for you, the audience this
was delivered to was completely surrounded by enemies. One group was persecuting
and exploiting them, and the other group wanted to kill them all. We often
dismiss this mandate because we may believe it is unattainable. But basically what
THE MAN is saying is:
The solution, antidote, remedy, etc., to the evilest destructive
force in our world – hate, is the most potent force for good in the
universe – love.
At a minimum, even if we can’t love our enemies, it is
wrong to hate them. THE BOOK mentions love 686 times, and hate only 127 times.
And I doubt any of the 127 portray hate in favorable terms.
All the haters will tell you what they are doing is “for
the greater good”, but there is no greater good than love, which includes loving
your enemies. Change needs to happen, but change has always needs to
happen. It’s how you get to that change
that matters most, and hating people is not the way.
Don’t let the haters turn you into a hater. If you can’t
love your enemies, at least show them all the love and respect you can.