Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Getting A Second Chance

 Second chances in life are of great value because they tend to be rare. Second chances are needed as a result of some failure. Sometimes, the failure is so pronounced that no one is willing to give you another opportunity, or you don't even want to try again.

To receive a second chance, someone has to have faith in your ability to succeed this time. Usually, they are taking a personal risk by giving you this opportunity. If you didn’t seek the second chance, the person giving it to you has more faith in you than you do in yourself. Regardless, anyone granting you a second chance deserves your deep gratitude for believing in you.

 My Second Chance

From 1997 to 2002, I performed Christian stand-up comedy locally in addition to my day job. I didn’t consider myself a successful comedian, and I “retired” in 2002 when my bookings dried up. For the next 22 years, I thought of myself as a failure. Such a failure, that I never had a desire to perform Christian comedy ever again.

In August 2022, I began performing regular stand-up comedy as a way to sell my humor books. I wasn’t really committed to this because I was too busy writing my next book, so it didn’t go well. By mid-2024, I had not been on stage in over six months, and I doubted I would ever perform comedy again.

It has been said that “God is the God of second chances.” In May 2024, it was apparent to me, as well as some of my close confidants, that God was calling me back to the Christian comedy stage. I still had no desire to do this, but God can be rather persuasive. In late September, I became a Christian comedian once again. I now have a second chance.


But What About That First Failure?

I was confused as to why God would call me back after 22 years to something I had failed at before. But my failure was not all that it seemed. After I stopped performing, I learned that 2002 was a brutal year for performers because people stayed home much more after the events of 9-11. So, the failure wasn't so much based on my talent as it was the circumstances.

To prepare for my resurgence, I had to listen to my performances from 22 years ago. I was supposed to be listening to the content of my old material. Still, all I could hear was the audience laughing loudly and enjoying themselves. I had to stop the recordings several times and sob. For 22 years, I thought I was a bad comic, but I wasn’t. I don’t know how good I was, but I know I was good enough that God has now put me back in the game.     

So, my failure wasn’t as much based on my ability as much as not being patient enough to stick it out. Sometimes in life, circumstances are the main reason you fail, and there is no way to change that.


The Faith Part

I never once asked for or sought this second chance. Therefore, I do not believe I have been given a second chance – but have been gifted a second chance. It is a gift, and I don’t deserve it. And Someone evidently has enough faith in me to gift me this second chance. Yes, God has more faith in me than I have in myself. Oooh, now here is the profound part. God has more faith in you than you do in yourself. Again, let that sink in: God has more faith in you than you do in yourself. For emphasis, GOD HAS MORE FAITH IN YOU THAN YOU DO IN YOURSELF – no matter how many times you have failed.


My Response

Yes, it is great to get a second chance, but you still have to take advantage of the opportunity. You must put tremendous effort into it because the effort you exerted the first time did not result in a successful outcome. Even though I never expected to receive this opportunity, I am fully committed to it. Second chances are of great value because they are so rare. And gifts from God are even rarer.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

What Was In the DNA of Jesus?

 (Note: Due to the nature and depth of this post, I will use the established names for God, Jesus, the Bible, etc.)

The New Testament begins with the impressive lineage of Jesus. It is filled with some of the "stars" of the Old Testament, seemingly intending to establish Jesus' credentials as the Messiah.

However, there are troubling facts woven within this list. Some of the information there is so egregious that if you knew what you were reading the first time through (which you don’t since the Old Testament is essentially the prequel to the New), you might be tempted, even justified, to shut the book right then and never return.

Jesus' family history is corrupted by atrocious and shameful acts, mainly of a sexual nature, but the worst being murder. Jesus' lineage is dirty, messy, and scandalous. Not at all what you would expect from someone put forth to be the savior of the world.

After rereading this passage recently, I was given pause because my lineage is also unclean. I have previously detailed the scandalous tryst of my paternal grandparents (Turkey Terror At My Door, Chapter 2). However, a few months ago, randomly, out of nowhere, for no good reason, I became aware of a salacious and probably criminal act in my family’s history.

How bad was this? Well, it would make an exceptional blog post, except that the revelation would overshadow whatever I wrote after the first paragraph. So, I will never write about it because it is too horrible, and thus highly embarrassing.

After comparing what I know about my family history, with Jesus’ ancestors, I have never felt closer to Jesus – the man. My lineage is tarnished, just like his. I could imagine us hanging out, discussing this:

Me: Dude, your family was really messed up!

Jesus: Yours is too – and you don’t even know the half of it!  


My DNA is Messy

My DNA is dirty, corrupted, polluted, etc. I can’t fix it. It is literally present in every fiber of my being. And the impact is more than physical – because it’s in my brain matter, it impacts how I think and process the world. I can’t wash this stink off or out of me. It permeates every breath I take and every thought I have.  

Unfortunately, your DNA is just as tarnished. If you could trace your lineage far back, at some point, you would find adulterers, murderers, thieves, rapists, perhaps even Nazis, or worse. 


What About Jesus’ DNA?

Human DNA is incredibly complex. It is estimated there are 3.055 billion base pairs in the human genome. I’m not a genetic scientist – neither do I play one on TV – but here is my layman’s theory on the DNA of Jesus.

For Jesus to be fully functional – both physically and mentally- he had to have human DNA. Therefore, I speculate that Jesus' DNA was 99.999% human and the rest something special. Some people will vehemently disagree with this assertion, arguing that Jesus was fully man and fully God. Relax, I will explain how both things can be true.

If we can agree that we all have souls, and all those souls are unique, then somewhere buried deep in those 3.055 billion base pairs are those minuscule strands that construct our soul – call it the Soul Zone.

When considering the Holy Conception, the focus tends to go on the holy part, but what about the conception? The DNA from a heavenly source had to contain all the human DNA necessary to produce a fully functioning, healthy human being. However, I will speculate the heavenly DNA was reengineered, replacing that Soul Zone with “holy base pairs”, which formed the God Zone. You end up with human DNA with a God-based spirit. If you think this idea is farfetched, genetic engineering on Earth has been ongoing since 1973. It is a cutting-edge field of study today.

How difficult is it to locate the Soul Zone in the 3.055 billion base pairs? It is impossible for man – thus far. However, as coders and engineers can attest, if you built and designed the system, you know where every element is located and how it functions. It would be a simple procedure for God, who made the DNA, to remove the Soul Zone and replace it with the God Zone. And there you have it – fully God yet fully man. What child is this, indeed?


Can A Virgin Really Give Birth?

Is a virgin birth actually possible? Please, the first recorded case of artificial insemination happened in 1790. In vitro fertilization has been around since 1978. So, man is now fully capable of replicating a virgin birth.

Of course, it is by faith we believe that the Holy Spirit carried this genetically altered DNA and initialized the Immaculate Conception. The result was the birth of a boy. A fully human creature yet was God in that flesh.


But What of My Grimy DNA

Does my corrupted DNA define me? Am I destined to commit the sins of my ancestors? Unfortunately, just as certain physical maladies are passed down through your DNA, so are some propensities for imprudence. Thus, the sins of the father are often the same sins of the children.

If our lives depended on that 99.999% of the DNA, we would indeed be hopeless. But it is that small portion, the Soul Zone, which gives us hope. We have control over the Soul Zone. And Jesus showed us what is possible when we let elements of the God Zone into our Soul Zone. We can be renewed. We are no longer a slave to our DNA – we can become related to God in some inexplicable way by some indescribable gift. We do not have to follow the tragic fate of our ancestors, we can have a new life, a better life – and have it more abundantly. We call this change element faith. I contend that faith is the most potent force in the universe because if you remove it, everything will collapse. 


Where Is Your Faith Located?

If faith is the force that can change your life, then it must be located in the Soul Zone, somewhere in those 3.055 billion base pairs of DNA. That would mean that your faith is incredibly minuscule – beyond microscopic.

Which gives a whole new meaning to Matthew:17:20:

If you have the faith (the size) of a mustard seed ….. – you can do some incredible things.

Merry Christmas!



Friday, November 15, 2024

Walker Buehler’s Day On – How to be a superstar at work

If you want to be a superstar employee, you will want to emulate the actions of Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Walker Buehler on the day of Game 5 of this year’s World Series.

The Dodgers held a three games to one lead over the New York Yankees in the best-of-seven series. Buehler had started and pitched excellently in Game 3 and was scheduled to start Game 7 if needed.

Superstar Principle #1 – Anticipate Future Opportunities

That morning, Buehler determined that despite throwing 76 pitches two days before in Game 3, his arm felt good enough to pitch that night in Game 5 if called upon.

In order to be ready for superstar opportunities, you must anticipate those opportunities. Buehler’s forward-looking mindset mentally prepared him for the task, just in case.

Superstar Principle #2 – Communicate Your Value And Availability To The Organization

Upon boarding the team bus, Buehler made his availability to pitch that night known to his manager and team executives.

They all chuckled at his offer, one executive even rolling his eyes. It would be ridiculous and risky to have Buehler pitch in this game. He had thrown 76 pitches just two nights ago and would be needed to start a crucial Game 7 if the series went that far. At that point, it would have been difficult to even imagine a scenario where Buehler would be called on to pitch. Buehler’s chances of pitching in Game 5 were almost nil.

Superstar Principle #3 – Stay Focused When Others Don’t Share Your Vision

When his bosses dismissed his offer, Buehler emphasized he was serious. He explained that he could, in fact, be needed if things get "wonky." His manager even used an expletive to reject the possibility when Buehler pressed the issue.

Sometimes, you’re the only one who anticipates the future circumstances. Don’t let the doubters and short-sighted people knock you off course.

Superstar Principle #4 – Be Visible in a Positive Way

This was also accomplished by Buehler’s volunteering to pitch when no one thought he would be needed. 

The Game Begins

Incredibly, when the Dodgers fell behind 5-0 early in the third inning, the probability that Buehler would be called on to pitch actually decreased. There was absolutely no chance that Buehler would pitch in a game that the Dodgers might lose by a large margin.

Then, two factors combined to change everything. Instead of conceding defeat, Dodger Manager Dave Roberts used numerous relief pitchers to keep the Yankees from scoring more runs. His strategy worked brilliantly when the Dodgers rallied to score five runs in the fifth inning to tie the game.

However, Roberts's moves came at a high cost. He sent his last reliable relief pitcher into the game with two outs in the sixth inning. With still three innings to go, he would not have an effective relief pitcher to finish the game. He was going to run out of trusted pitchers before the end of the game. Using Buehler’s term, the game had gotten wonky, incredibly wonky. 

Superstar Principle #5 – Be Proactive – Don’t Wait To Be Told What To Do When An Obvious Problem Needs To Be Solved

In the seventh inning, Buehler, who had been in the dugout, told Roberts he was going to the bullpen and would be available to pitch in the game. A television camera showed Buehler staring intently into the dugout, his face begging for the opportunity to begin warming up. 

Superstar Principle #6 – When Given The Opportunity To Shine – Seal The Deal

Somehow, after throwing a season-high 42 pitches over 2 and 1/3 innings, that last reliable relief pitcher finished out the eighth inning with the Dodgers clinging to a 7-6 lead. Who will pitch the critical ninth inning to save the game and win the World Series? Well, it’s the person who saw the opportunity when no one else did. The person who mentally prepared himself for the moment. The person who put himself in a position to seize that opportunity and achieve the team and personal victory.

Buehler needed just 16 pitches to retire the Yankees in order, striking out the last two batters. Only one pitcher gets to retire the final batter and close out the World Series victory each season. This year, it was Walker Buehler. If you want to be a superstar at your company, follow his lead.



Wednesday, June 26, 2024

How Much Can You Love A Pig?

My friend Lynn’s beloved pot-bellied pig, Stanley, recently passed away.

She got Stanley as a piglet on a whim, raised him, and cared for him for 14 years.

Because Lynn loved that pig …

She built an elaborate house for Stanley.

Because Lynn loved that pig …

She fed him a healthy diet to control his weight.

Because Lynn loved that pig …

She groomed him and took care of his physical appearance.

Because Lynn loved that pig …

She forgave Stanley when his antics caused material damage.

Because Lynn loved that pig …

She suffered physical injuries, shepherding an animal that was nearly double her weight.

Because Lynn loved that pig …

She ran after Stanley and corralled him when he escaped from the yard.

Because Lynn loved that pig …

She snuggled with Stanley when he needed affection.

Because Lynn loved that pig …

She didn’t stay mad at Stanley when he opened the refrigerator door and had a feast.

Because Lynn loved that pig …

As Stanley’s health deteriorated and he lost mobility, she strove to make his life as good as possible.  

Because Lynn loved that pig …

Due to Stanley’s broken leg and arthritis, Lynn would have to lift him up to eat and use the bathroom.

Because Lynn loved that pig …

Near the end, she started a GoFundMe to pay for his medical care.

Because Lynn loved that pig …

Stanley’s last meals were of the gourmet variety featuring human food.

Because Lynn loved that pig …

She sacrificially cared for Stanley until his final breath.

Because Lynn loved that pig …       



To Love a Pig is to Maybe Love Life

It might seem silly to bestow all that love on a pig. Still, there are many worse things you can do in life than to create love within your soul and then bestow that love onto a pet, even a rowdy, rambunctious, 200+ pound porker. 

And Stanley didn’t know how good he had it. While other pigs were destined for the barbecue pit, he got to reside in his own villa and frolic mostly unencumbered while receiving unconditional love. We should all be so lucky; when you think about it, maybe we are.

As for Lynn, she is one of my favorite people because she radiates all that positive energy. The type of positive energy that could cause somebody to love a pig way more than expected. If you gave me the choice of hanging out with someone who had made millions through some technological breakthrough or the “pig-lover”, I’d have to choose the pig-lover.


Part 2 – What Do We Value? And What Do You Value?

My mother-in-law Barb is an exceptional person, though you wouldn’t realize it by her appearance or if you engaged her in conversation. What makes her extraordinary is how much she loves her kids. In all probability, she loves her kids more than you love your kids. How can I say that? Because I have been able to observe that up close for 46 years. Barb loves her kids more than I love my kids. And people have praised me for how much I have loved my daughters over the years. On all the qualities of a great mother, unconditional love, patience, selflessness, acceptance, protectiveness, and nurturing, Barb scores an A+.

What is the result of this intense love? She produced four tremendous individuals, one of whom I am married to. Throughout my life, I have been in group conversations where people complained about not getting along with their in-laws. After everyone had unloaded, I would be asked, "What are your in-laws like, Don?" My answer was always the same, “I had the privilege of marrying into the Walton Family (you young people must Google it). That was fictional television; I got to experience it in real life.

But our culture values motherhood less every day. We shower millions of dollars on people who can throw and catch a ball or move an object to a specific place on a field. Is our existence harmed at all if that ball falls to the ground? Yet, we suffer greatly when mothers do not produce great children who become great adults. So, who is of more value?

Motherhood is diminished when we work diligently to stop its natural progression. This concept is above and beyond any screaming debate about rights. It is also harmful to excoriate someone who espouses a positive view of motherhood, different from yours and the prevailing culture. Free and open discussion is vital because your opinion, and theirs also, is never 100% correct. As we demean motherhood, we demean ourselves. It’s only humanity at stake.

Lynn intensely loved her pig, essentially serving as a mother to Stanley. Barb loves her kids in an exceptional way. In both cases, we tend to diminish the value and power of love. You may believe it is silly to love a 200-pound pig. You may also believe raising four tremendous individuals only makes a small difference. But in a world of hate and destruction, isn’t love what we are called to do? Isn’t love the ultimate answer to the question and mystery of life?

Monday, May 13, 2024

The Chess Board

Hey! Whoa! Aaah! Noooo! What are you doing?

The Game Master: I just moved you to the Blue27 – Zeta6 – Tuna9 – 4 - to the 378 power, on the board.

Oh, no, you don't. Everything was going great where I was. I liked it there, so calm and comfortable, but things are a mess in this place. So I demand, with all the urgency I can muster, that you move me back to where I was immediately.

The Game Master: That’s not how this works. I move you when you need to be moved. You can’t go back, but you have the opportunity to make good moves from the new square you are on.

That’s totally unacceptable. Who do you think you are? Do you think you own the board?

The Game Master: Well, I did make the board, so you could say I own it.

But why would you move me to this square? It makes no possible sense! Now, move me back to where I was.

The Game Master: You had become stagnant and much too comfortable there. Since you were not going to make a move, I made one for you.

But why would you move me backward on the board? This square is filled with such hardship and pain—it’s literally a setback. I’m not sure I can ever recover, and I don’t know if I will have the strength to move forward again.

The Game Master: It’s impossible to understand the game while standing on the board. You can try, but you will fail—and drive yourself in the process.

Every move has a reason, but it is connected to and influenced by the needs and moves of other players and your own good and bad moves. Oh, by the way, it’s your move.

But this still makes no sense – no sense whatsoever! 

The Game Master: None of my moves make sense to you in the present. Fully understanding my moves can take weeks, months, or even years. Sometimes, you will realize that my move was even brilliant. Everything does work together for good – but not necessarily for your good at the time.

So, it’s a three-dimensional game – like three-dimensional chess?

The Game Master: (laughing) Three dimensions, that’s funny. It’s a game of infinite dimensions and, for you, incomprehensible complexity. Your move.

Then how can I win a game that I have no chance of understanding? What am I supposed to do?

The Game Master: Don’t focus on winning the game. You can’t master the big picture because you can’t see it. You only need to focus on making your next move a good one—which reminds me, your move.

Why did you even have to move me?

The Game Master: I move you for various reasons. You may not be moving enough or in the right direction. I may move you off of a dangerous square, or I may move you in combination with other people's moves. For example, you may have to lose sometimes so that another person can win.

But I resent being a mere pawn in this bizarre game of yours.

The Game Master: Oh, you are much more than a pawn to me. Moving you to Blue27 – Zeta6 – Tuna9 – 4 - to the 378, power square was complicated, strategic, and well thought out. Now, your move.

How do I know this was even an allowed move? What are the rules of this game? What are the rules?

The Game Master: I made the board. I invented the game. I wrote the rules.

Ah, now we are getting somewhere. Show me the rules!

The Game Master: Unfortunately, you can’t see the rules because you wouldn’t be able to understand them.

Then how can I possibly win at this game without knowing the rules?

The Game Master: Well, I did give you a guidebook on your moves. Good moves get you to good places on the board, and bad moves get you bad squares. It doesn’t matter much where on the board you are; what is essential is your next move. I strongly suggest reading the guidebook again, since your next move off the square you now occupy is an especially important one.

But the only reason I have to make this important move is that you – you put me on the terrible square in the first place! It’s not fair – it’s not fair!

The Game Master: You are correct; from the player's perspective, it is not fair, at least not fair enough. But your view of the board will always be tilted. From my perspective, the board is always flat for everyone. It’s the moves that are important. So now, your move.

Oh, this is so not fair! You move me back to that square over there (turning and pointing forward), right now - I demand it!

The Game Master: Your move (The Game Master exits)

When I swung back around, he was gone. I looked at the board before me; it was so different from yesterday’s. Yes, this was a setback, but some of the other pieces that were blocking my way were no longer there. Now, there were more open spaces on the board to move. Where there was no motivation to move off my old square, now I had to move forward even if I was starting from further back. Yes, it was my move, and it did need to be a good one …


Thursday, March 28, 2024

The Price

There is no better human feeling possible than receiving redemption. In the process of being redeemed, you leave the terrible circumstances you suffered through and gain something of great potential value. This transformation from bad to good happens simultaneously, thus the exhilaration.

Redemption is modernly defined as the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment or clearing a debt. However, the archaic definition is:  the action of buying one’s freedom. This concept is introduced very early in The Book and repeated throughout. Both definitions imply a transaction, an exchange based on a payment.   

In the historical context, if you were captured, kidnapped, or in servitude, you needed to pay a price or have someone else pay a price to be redeemed. If you failed to pay the price, you either remained captive or were killed. Redemption, as tremendous as it feels, comes with a cost. Typically, the cost is so high that someone else has to pay it.

Redemption, and the required payment, are the critical substance of Easter. Everything else in the narrative only supports redemption. A price was paid for your deliverance—an ugly, disgusting, sickening price—so that you could regain your freedom.

Right now, we are not talking about religion, the story, the rules, or whatever. None of those things comes close to being able to transform  your life. Only redemption can do that. And redemption is only possible if the price is paid. The only thing that matters at all is - the price.

This brings us to the Great Exchange. If you are willing to exchange your life as you own it – with the mistakes, faults, shame, disillusionment, crap, etc. – you can redeem it for a new one. People try to make it so complicated – but it’s not – it’s really just this simple, by design.

Your redemption has been fully paid, a great price you can't pay on your own, by a check written in blood. The price of your redemption costs that much. 

At Easter, we tend to focus on the resurrection because it is so miraculous. However, what the resurrection really means is that your redemption payment is validated—the check has cleared. Resurrection makes me feel good—redemption makes me good. You can leave the past behind with the opportunity for a much brighter future. In that, redemption is miraculous on a personal level.

Deep inside, we hunger for redemption—and that’s by design. That’s why the most incredible human emotion possible is the joy you feel at the moment of spiritual redemption. There is no word for that feeling in the English language. It is beyond words. The best I can do is: internal rejoicing on an exponential level.

The fact that you have the freedom to choose to be redeemed does not cheapen the price that was paid. You hold that check, written in blood, in your hand. Whether you buy your redemption with it, is up to you.


Be Ye Glad (Michael Kelly Blanchard) 

Now from your dungeon a rumor is stirring
Though you've heard it again and again
Now but this time your cell keys are turning
And outside there are faces of friends

Though your body lay weary from wasting
And your eyes show the sorrow they had
Oh the love that your heart is now tasting
Has opened the gate be ye glad

Oh, be ye glad
Oh, be ye glad

Every debt that you ever had
Has been paid up in full
By the grace of the Lord
Be ye glad, be ye glad, be ye glad


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

The Pit

I could not believe my bad luck. Things were going so well. Life was so good. Then – boom! Out of nowhere, my world crumbled.

I find myself at the bottom of a deep pit. Look at this mess. I’m stuck. I’m stuck here forever. There is no way out of this one. 

I need help. I need help badly. I need help now.

So I cry out, “HELP ME! HELP ME OUT!”

I was joyous when The Man finally showed up. Yes, he really does listen. And he must care! He really must care.

Me: Hey, I’m so glad you are here. Listen, there’s been some sort of unfortunate occurrence here. Look, apparently, there has been some mistake that avoided your attention. There must be some misunderstanding because this freakish thing has resulted in me being cast into the bottom of this pit.

The Man: There has been no mistake. Life is not predictable. Sometimes, you end up in good places for no specific reason, and other times, you enter the pit.

Me: But the universe, under your domain, has plunged me into this pit, so I know you can pull me out just as quickly. So don’t stand there. I really need to get out of here now to resume my good life. So just give me a hand and pull me out.

The Man: I’m not going to do that.

Me: Why not? All I want is for my life to be comfortable, stable, and prosperous again. So, can you just pull me out of here - now?

The Man: My purpose is not to make your life comfortable. And I’m not your genie. I’m not here to instantly restore things on a whim.

Me: But look at this mess! I can’t fix this. How do you suggest I get out of this pit?

The Man: You’re going to have to crawl out.

Me: What? You cannot be serious. This is going to be a demanding and arduous climb. It’s going to take a long time, and I'm not even sure I can do it.

The Man: Well, that's the only way out. So, as soon as you recover from the shock, I suggest you begin to crawl out.

Me: This is so unfair. So, I’ve got to crawl out of here? You’re not pulling me out? What are you going to do to help me? Are you just going to stand there offering occasional words of encouragement?

The Man: I will provide you with comfort in your journey.

Me: Oh, that’s just great. And what if you are not near and I can’t hear these platitudes?

The Man: I assure you; you will hear my voice.

Me: How? How do you know as I am struggling, aching, crawling out of this awful place that I will hear you?

The Man: Because my child, I will be crawling right beside you. And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world, even at the bottom of the deepest pit. 

Signed copies of my book Deep Heavy Stuff and available at: donake1.com